jordanian lead books

"Shut up the words and seal the book, until the time of the end" - Daniel 12.4.



There are many stories about the metal books found recently in Jordan and, apparently elsewhere. Many have developed an interest in the books, but research has been hampered by some people who want to dismiss the entire collection as an elaborate hoax and forgery on a grand scale before conducting any real research.

Unfortunately for scholarship, the media have in general chosen to follow those who assert forgery rather than those who approach the metal books with an open mind and the tools of scholarship.

Tests commissioned by the Department of Antiquities in Jordan show that some of their lead books may be very old.

At the Centenary Meeting of the Society for Old Testament Study on July 19th 2017 in King's College London, some members of the Centre gave a report to the Society about our work.

Here we offer some glimpses of the story so far.

  1. Report in the Jordan Times, June 15th 2011.
  2. Prof Philip Davies in the Palestine Exploration Quarterly - Download
  3. Philip Davies Codices from Jordan: the mystery remains, Palestine Exploration Quarterly 2012 - Download
  4. Philip Davies. The Society for Old Testament Study Newsletter, January 2013 - Download
  5. Prof Philip Davies, Letter to the Times, August 2012 - Download - This letter was signed by 39 members of the Society for Old Testament Study, of whom 5 were former Presidents and two have since been elected to serve as President.
  6. Erasmus Economist posts:
    1. 20th April 2011 - View Link
    2. 1st March 2013 - View Link
    3. 18th March 2015 - View Link

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